Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is there room enough for me?

Even when I say exactly what I think?

Even if I’m more parts Buddhist than Christian?

Even if I share the private parts of myself that other people don’t like?

Even when I question and criticize everything?

Even if I change my mind about what I believe a million different times?

Even if I hurt your feelings?

Even if I call your values into question as I examine my own?


Can you still love me?

Will you love reach far enough to include me?

Even when I’m not perfect anymore?

Didn’t you love me for more than just my beliefs?

Do you still love me even when we don’t share as many similarities?

If the fill-in-the-blank after religion is different for the two of us, does your love remain the same?

Can your love remain the same?

Isn’t real love always the same?

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