Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is anecdotal a word because if it is, that is what best describes my blog so far. A bunch of different stories, most to make you smile and know a little bit more than you did before about what's happening in my life.

Sometimes though, sometimes I wish I could share my life here with you like I do with Zoe. That I could blurt out everything I see, feel, think, experience, imagine, dream and ponder. That I could do so purely, without sensor or fear. Is anyone able to do this?

I mentioned the desire to a friend before I left and she said it probably wasn't the best idea. That maybe some things should be kept to ones self. I don't know if this is good advice. I understand that it's natural to share more of your heart with people you trust. I would usually share more with my best friend than with a stranger; but as my list of life experiences become longer, I've realized that it's just as safe to share with stangers. I met people all the time while I lived in Spain and it always seemed like when I showed my courage (by being frank, open and personal to a new acquaintance) that opened the door for them to respond in the same way. Most of my best conversations happened because I didn't try to make myself seem any better than I was by hiding things that I thought people would judge me about.

I haven't been hurt. I haven't shared something personal and it come back to bite me. I've never been blackmailed or seriously embarrassed or reprimanded or denied a job or had any negative reprocussions from laying my life out as an open book. Maybe that makes me innocent...maybe it makes me invincible.

I think I can attribute this invincibility (of appearance there of) to my loving community. I believe in their love so deeply that I don't believe anything I say or do will make it end. And if anything I say or do does make their love for me falter, then it wasn't real love. Maybe I don't want fake love anyways. Can I handle the fires of human judgement and share every part of my existence with anyone who happens to be interested? Hmmm, I don't know that I know yet...


  1. Hey Allie!!! You are a great writer! I enjoy reading what's exactly on your mind. I do understand what you are saying about opening up to strangers. You may not even see them again, so what's the point of staying content with not sharing? Be vulnerable. Be uncomfortable.
    I hope this comment finds you well and I hope you stop by Lamoni sometime this next school year!

    Joe Oxley

  2. Joe! So good to hear from you. Of course I will visit Lamoni! I don't know if you know this but I'm pretty much head over heels in love with half the people there so, ya know...I might stop by sometime... :)
    Hope you're having a great summer!
