Saturday, September 11, 2010

Buried Alive

This week I felt like I was actively being buried alive. Every morning, I woke up and more fresh scoops of dirt had been piled on top of me. All day I spent clawing to the surface, trying to dig myself free, but each time I got near, it felt like a wheelbarrow full of soil landed on top of me.

One of my former selves worked obsessively. Her sense of self worth came almost directly from doing, doing, doing. She ran from class to work to class to meeting to whatever, only sleeping four hours a night, always needing to do a thousand things with each minute. This lasted two years until at some point, I realized this wasn't the best option for a healthy and happy existence.

This week, a shadow of that former self haunted me. I worked constantly and spent over 12 hours a day in my office. Once I finally sat at home on my couch, I brainstormed, made more lists, and planned things. My to-do list grew hands and seemed to strangle me each time I thought about relaxing. This is not what I want!

I know my job will not always be this way, that's why I'm still sane. Three hundred emails and a pile of deadlines all came at the same time. These aren't the things I love about my job. The things I do love could fill a notebook, cover to cover.

In other breaking news, we sold our car! The Honda Element that zipped us all over Buffalo last year now belongs to someone else. It's sort of an experiment. The socially normal and obviously convenient thing is to own a car. Well, what if we don't? It would be better for the environment and better on our wallets if we could survive without one, so we're trying it.

We've made some pretty good friends here in Kirksville and one reminds me of myself in college. I used to always leave my car doors unlocked with the key under the seat. About ten car-less people knew this and would use it when they needed to. It worked out nicely. When our friend Max heard that we didn't have a car, he gave us the spare key to his Jeep. I like that. It reminds me that when you try to do something good, there are always people waiting on the edge of their seats to help you.

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